
Sunday Morning Sessions

The weekly Sunday morning session has been the backbone of the Club for over 40 years.  A rota of leaders is produced six months in advance and the designated coaches will select a venue depending upon the weather and tidal conditions.  As we are fortunate to live on an island, there is nearly always somewhere protected from the weather.  Members are informed of the venue via the Club’s WhatsApp service.
We normally plan to be on the water by 10.00, and are usually out for a couple of hours and then we retire for a well earned pint, hopefully in some warm Jersey sunshine.

Tuesday evening sessions

From Easter until September the Club meets at St Catherine’s on Tuesday evening where the focus is on coaching. We aim to be on the water by 18.30 some people should aim to be at St Catherine’s by 18.00. Most weeks a paddle is offered but there is also the opportunity to receive some appropriate training. Forward paddling, rescues etc.

Coaching session
Whatever the nature of the coaching it should always be fun. Tuesday are a great opportunity for learning new skills.

Wednesday Day Trips

For those fortunate to not have to work on a Wednesday, day trips are run throughout the year. They be along the coast, to find a secluded beach for lunch or to the offshore reefs, which provide spectacular sea kayaking.

Paternosters Reef
A day trip which ticked the two main boxes. A beautiful paddle to an offshore reef and a great picnic sport.

Thursday Pool Sessions

During the winter months the Club runs pool sessions on a Thursday evening at Les Quennevais Swimming Pool from 19.30 to 21.00.  This a fantastic opportunity to receive some informal coaching from the more experienced members of the Club.  It might be fine tuning a bow rudder, learning to roll or improving your all round skill level, when the Indoor Slalom competition is held.

Saturday Morning Stand Up Paddleboarding

A stand up paddleboard session is run every Saturday morning, the venue selected by the nominated coach or leader. Some excellent paddling, support from coaches and a wide variety of cakes on offer most sessions.

The Jersey coastline is ideal for stand up paddleboarding. The Club runs sessions every Saturday. This is heading around the Grosse Tete, near Beauport, on a December Saturday morning.